How To Effectively Use Call To Action Buttons?

Call-to-action buttons (CTAs) are essential elements placed on your website, blogs, emails, and newsletters to promote offers, services, and links to your landing page. They serve as the initial step in the conversion process, making them crucial for driving user engagement and increasing leads. To make the most of your marketing campaigns, here are six tips for optimizing your call-to-action buttons:

Create actionable CTAs:

CTAs should be clear and actionable, prompting readers to take specific actions such as downloading a guidebook, reading more, or booking a package. It’s important to align the CTA with the offer on your landing page. Netflix is a great example of effective CTA usage on their subscription page. By offering the assurance of “Cancel anytime” right above the “Join Free for a Month” CTA, they alleviate potential fears and likely boost subscriptions. Additionally, the red color of the CTA buttons complements Netflix’s logo color theme.

Strategically place your CTAs:

Consider the logical placement of your CTAs on your web page. Depending on your content offer, decide whether they should be placed below or above the fold, or in the sidebar. For blog posts, it might be appropriate to position the CTA below the fold to avoid interrupting the content. On a pricing page, include a CTA with the pricing structure or a “Buy Now” option to facilitate purchases. In emails, CTAs can be placed anywhere, such as after a paragraph, a line, or even in the sidebar, to capture maximum reader attention. The goal is to guide the buyer through the funnel from the web page to the landing page, ultimately leading to the thank you page.

Select the right colors for your CTAs:

Your CTAs should be visually noticeable to guide visitors on where to click. Consider your buyer persona’s preferences when designing a CTA. Some may prefer something flashy and vibrant, while others may prefer a simple, minimalistic button. Think about what would be appealing to them and how they typically navigate websites. If unsure, conduct research or perform tests. Use highly contrasting colors or an accent color that aligns with your company’s branding. This will help your CTAs stand out visually.

Utilize CTAs for social sharing:

Encourage visitors to share your content with their social circles if they enjoyed what they read. Place social sharing buttons on your landing page and blog posts where it makes sense. These buttons are customizable and can significantly boost your website’s conversion rate.

Customize CTAs for every device:

Ensure your CTAs are eye-catching and properly optimized for different devices. Avoid making them too small, which may make them hard to notice, or too large, which can appear awkward and distract from the main content. Customize your CTAs for both website and mobile site to provide a seamless user experience. When readers can easily notice and click on CTAs, they are more likely to convert.

Promote relevant offers:

As visitors progress through the funnel or reach the thank you page, consider offering them relevant service or product offers based on their interests. Take cues from their past downloading and viewership patterns. For example, if a visitor has shown interest in inbound marketing by reading your blog post, you can present them with a CTA for an eBook on inbound marketing that aligns with their specific stage in the buyer’s journey (awareness, consideration, or decision). This personalized approach helps further engage visitors and increase conversions.

Remember, every click and every visitor represents a potential lead. By incorporating these essential CTA tips, you can effectively increase your page’s conversion rate.